
Advanced (4)

Custom Error Pages, FP Extensions, Cron Job, Index Manager

Client Area (11)

Creating Support Tickets, Managing your Profile and other Client Area Tasks

cPanel (5)

Navigating and configuring various settings in cPanel

Databases (14)

Create, Manage, Import, Export and anything else related to Databases.

DNS (Name Servers) (17)

Updating Your DNS at various registers on the Web.

Domains (21)

Subdomains, Add-ons and various other Domain related items.

Email (Mail) (7)

Create, Manage, Forward and other Email Management.

Email Programs (12)

Configuring Email programs for your Domain Email

Fantastico (2)

Using Fantastico Auto-Installer for easy installations.

Files (5)

Site Backups,FTP Accounts, Web Disk, File Manager and other File Management.

FTP Programs (18)

Configure your FTP programs to work with your site FTP.

Intro to Web Hosting (7)

Short overview of the different components, fundamentals and operations in Hosting.

Joomla (19)

Joomla CMS Configuration and Common Setup.

Logs (1)

Manage and view the Raw Logs on your server.

phpMyAdmin (13)

How To's and common questions regarding phpMyAdmin

Security (3)

Password Protect Directory, IP Deny Manager, Hotlink Protection

Softaculous Articles (16)

Articles and How-To's for Softaculous the auto installer.

Software Installation (1)

Steps on how to install some popular php software applications.

SSL Certificates (1)

How to set up and use an SSL Certifcation on your website.

Transferring a Domain (17)

Transferring Your Domain from various Registrars.

TroubleShooting (2)

How to use and configure a TELNET client on a Computer.

Where do I go ? (1)

Do I need to go to my Client Area or my cPanel??

WordPress (11)

WordPress Blog/CMS How-To's and Configuration.


 Updating Your DNS at DynaDot.com

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when...

 Transferring Your Domain from NetworkSolutions.com

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain...

 Transferring Your Domain from 000domains.com

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain...

 Updating Your DNS at 1and1.com

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at...

 Updating Your DNS at StarGate.com

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers)...

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